Archive for the ‘Home Food’ Category

Tap Water for my soup? Oh my God! Have you ever had that problem? Probably the soup feels weird, the poached fish tasted funny, or probably your iced water drink tastes as if it is been left there for years? Yes, it could be. And for a bartender to ‘portray’ to his consumers that he […]

Mom, why are these scrambled eggs dry? The more people we serve, the better our knowledge is, the fresher our stocks are, the higher the turnover rate, the longer the accounts go, the more invoices and receipts our restaurant have. But if we come to the understanding of a particular something which we’re so good […]

Thickening Agents – Roux Roux has been used in the Culinary industry for a long period of time up to date. Not only it’s practical to its usage, roux is also very useful in terms adding flavor to soups or sauces. There are many stipulations to Roux as there is with politics today, as this […]

Pickling Foods – Guide to Pickles Pickles are great food accompaniments to certain food products – At least we think so. Whether it’s going to be black olives on your Cream Cheese baguette or Gherkins on your McDonalds burger patty, once it’s practical, it’ll always be practical. Pickles are easy to make and lasts very […]

What alternatives to common food seasoning? When we talk about food seasoning, we always refer to common food seasoning like salt, pepper, chicken powder, monosodium glutamate (MSG) or Ajinomoto (it’s a brand name), white pepper, fish stock powder, etc. However, there are always ways to enjoy hot & cold, sweet and savory foods without the […]

How to plan a Food menu at home No, planning your weekly home menu isn’t tedious work. It’s actually fun, informational and that stimulates creative thinking. If you feel this is not your kind of thing, by all means give it a small go — Maybe plan for one or two days to serve one […]

Flavored Salt and Sugar Many kitchens fail to see the importance of flavored salt and flavored sugar can bring them – Especially when it comes to something called ‘being unique’. Flavored salt and sugar do not take a long process to produce, and it goes a long way for a restaurant, in terms of branding, […]

Thinking of ways on how to reduce food cost in your restaurant can be a tiring task. While some kitchen staff may curse (behind the scenes) the Head Chef for always sitting in the Chef’s office reading newspapers, drinking wine and chatting on the phone; they do not really understand what goes behind the minds […]

In many communities around the world, Ice Cream serves a staple to many people – Either it’s consumed twice a week or twice daily. There are many varieties to ice cream that we can see today; mainly creamy ones. In Malaysia, we can see sorts of ice cream around us everyday – Not to mention […]

Over-salting soups can be disastrous – Especially when healthy food is prepared; you don’t want to appall your guests by serving them under-textured soups (thick to thin), overcooked ingredients or splitting cream. When cooking, always measure the size of your serving to the logic of your mind to the guests – Are they health conscious […]